Train anytime, anywhere
Train anytime, anywhere

Train anytime, anywhere

Join Martial Artists around the world with unlimited access to watch a growing library of videos, classes, and Taekwondo training courses!

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Become a member and access all these training programs & more:

Poomsae Tutorials: Taeguk 1-8

Now you can work your way towards practicing each poomsae as you prepare for your belt test or a competition! Each video goes through a full speed front view, a step-by-step guided tutorial, & a follow-along rear view. Imagine how awesome it's going to feel to be fully prepared knowing your poomsae! 

Workouts for All Levels

Workouts to challenge Martial Artists at any level! There is a 4-week Beginners course for those brand new, as well as high-performance and advanced training for Black Belts who have been training for years & everyone in between!

Drills for Higher Kicks

So many people think getting high kicks is just about stretching a lot, but there's a lot of specific drills you can do to help you achieve your goals! There are workouts that includes flexibility, strength, and balance drills to help you get your kicks up higher.

Sparring Workouts

These training sessions are made for both athletes that want to train to compete, and also for Taekwondo practitioners that just want to enjoy the benefits of high-level training. Includes cardio, speed, agility, strategy, and more!

Weapons Training Classes

Have you ever wanted to learn Martial Arts Weapons like Bo Staff, Nunchucks, Kamas, or Sword? There are follow-along workout videos & trick tutorials to challenge you!

Poomsae + Kick Tutorials

The Kick Tutorial Vault & Poomsae vault are included in your membership! Each video tutorial covers a thorough explanation of how to perform each kick, key points & tips about performing them correctly, and common mistakes to avoid!

Next LIVE Class: Higher Kicks & Leg Control Drills

Join me LIVE next month on Zoom for a 30-min class oh Higher Kicks! We'll do a warmup, kicking drills, flexibility & strength drills, and stretches!

Not a member of Black Belt Samery online training yet? Join today to start training!

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Each membership includes:

  • Get access to on-demand TKD workout videos

  • Full length courses, follow-along workouts, tutorials & more!

  • Martial Arts challenges to stay motivated

  • Access to the Black Belt Samery community to connect and get support

Practice anytime, anywhere

Customize your workout with courses of follow-along workouts designed by Master Samery. If you love her YouTube channel content, you’ll LOVE the Martial Arts courses!

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About Samery Moras

Hey, I'm Samery!

My Martial Arts training started pretty young while growing up in my family's Martial Arts gym- I learned how to walk while wearing a sparring helmet! I was the youngest child in a family of Black Belts!

As a teenager, I badly wanted to be great at sparring, but unfortunately, I had an impressive losing streak cause I would get so nervous I just froze in the ring. This got to the point where I almost completely quit Taekwondo when I graduated from high school- until one day I sat down and decided I didn't want to let my fears make choices for me.

Fast forward through some crazy mental & physical training and goal-setting, I was able to make become the US National Collegiate Champion for 6 years and got to travel all over the world as part of Team USA living my dream. Since I was away from home for months at a time, I started creating vlogs on my YouTube channel that ended up becoming a community of over 300,000 subscribers and millions of views. After retiring from my competition career, I decided to dedicate my time to sharing my training experiences through teaching online so anyone can learn and reach their goals.


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Samery Moras from Black Belt Samery strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Listen to your body and take only what works for you.